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Petland Subscriptions

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Start your subscription today and save 10%. Give your pet the gift of health and happiness with your personalized subscription plan.

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*Prices subject to change.

Join Petland’s My ClubPet subscription service and become a member of a community focused on the health and wellbeing of their pets. In each shipment you’ll receive food, supplements, treats, and a toy all conveniently delivered right to your home.

Your subscription package has been carefully hand-picked to promote a healthy, active lifestyle for your pet. Our selection of food, treats and a supplement provides a wholesome diet to give your dog the best continued nutrition as they grow. And a toy helps to stimulate your dogs mental and physical well-being, but it will also help strengthen the human-animal bond shared between you both.

As part of your subscription you will receive:
  • Your choice from an assortment of leading dog food brands
  • Heartland Naturals Multi Vitamins
  • Dental Sticks
  • Treats
  • Toys
  • eVets4Pets Membership

But our subscription packages aren’t just about the products we offer – they’re also about fostering the love and connection between you and your furry family member. We understand the unique bond that exists between pets and their families, and we believe that our products can help strengthen that bond by providing opportunities for quality growth together.